Photo Time

For the last half-year or so, we have been on a quest to renovate and update our house. The back yard has been transformed and we now have three bedrooms again instead of two and a storage locker. The porch has been remodeled and the front windows are due to be delivered next month for that project. What does this have to do with photos? Nothing.

Nothing as in taking all this time for the ongoing projects leaves nothing in the way of time or energy for taking meaningful or enjoyable photos. The last photo I took this week was of a barcode at Lowe’s so the nice person at checkout wouldn’t have to flip through the Book of Codes to price the item.

This makes me sad and I intend to do something about it. I’m going to try to set aside 5-10 minutes a day to just take an actual composed photo of something. Preferably with the real cameras, but the phone will do nicely in a pinch. We have a small cruise coming up that will provide some photo fun, but when we return, I’m going to implement The Plan. It will hopefully improve the pool of photos available for the ongoing Picture-A-Week project as well.

I found and shot this within 2 minutes of walking out the door, so I think the Plan has a chance to succeed.