Everything changes

The pierce324.com domain was originally selected for the mail address and was never used for anything but a one-page redirector pointing to PPTPhoto.com. A few months ago, I thought I would try WordPress on the new host to see if their servers really were better than the old host. Since you are reading this post on the shiny new site, you can probably guess that they were and that a decision was made to give blogging a try.

What to blog about? I have no idea. I will likely continue my political math posts here since I bailed on Farcebook and will definitely post family and grandchild news so those to whom it matters to can drop by and see what’s going on. I will probably do Instagram-like posts here too for photos that have a story but were voted off the Picture-A-Week Island.

I am working on finding some sort of notification plug-in so people can subscribe and get notified of new content if they want. I’m not rushing into that since it would probably force me to post more often than I want to. I am also looking into a way to host a forum limited to family and friends.

Stay tuned! Changes cometh!